Web site helps unlock the hidden value of antique and collectible ceramics

Released on: September 28, 2007, 2:03 pm

Press Release Author: marks4antiques.com

Industry: Education

Press Release Summary: Antique & collectible ceramics have a secret to tell and
Marks4Antiques.com helps users easily decipher those secrets, allowing collectors &
consumers to determine their hidden value.

Press Release Body: San Francisco, California - September 29, 2007 - A typical
household in the U.S. has dozens if not hundreds of plates, cups & saucers, vases,
bone china, figurines, steins and other ceramic items. Many of these pieces have
been passed down through many generations of a family or have been acquired over
many years. Vintage ceramics have a story to tell and part of that story is that the
value of some of these items is much higher than the owner realizes. To unlock the
hidden value of vintage ceramics, the first step is to determine who made the item
and when. What most people don\'t realize is that hidden away on the underside of
many vintage porcelain and pottery pieces is a manufacturer\'s mark that can give
insight into who made the piece and in most cases, where and when it was made. A
website called Marks4Antiques.com can help users easily decipher the secrets of
manufacturers\' marks on Porcelain, Pottery or China and vintage ceramic pieces.

Many manufacturers\' marks on ceramics can be like complex codes and can provide a
lot of information. For example, in addition to the name and location of the
Porcelain factory or Pottery, some of these marks can give detailed data, which may
also include the person that designed or decorated a particular Pottery Vase or a
Porcelain Figurine. Also, marks for the same manufacturer can also change over time,
so a mark used in the 1800\'s may be entirely different from a mark used today, by
the same maker. Especially for China or Dinnerware, a particular Pattern may also be
produced over many years, with earlier pieces having more value than newer pieces
with the only visible difference being the maker\'s marks. With so many issues
related to marks, using a reliable source like Marks4Antiques.com is an absolute
necessity when trying to determine accurate information about a vintage ceramic.

This is particularly helpful for online Sellers and Buyers, for example on eBay. It
is estimated that a Seller on eBay has at least a 60% better chance of selling an
item successfully if the Item Title and Description include the name of the maker
and the period it was made. Since Buyers mainly search by a specific maker\'s name,
having accurate information on a Porcelain or Pottery or China piece, helps eBay to
display more relevant results in a more prominent position, and therefore achieve
higher prices.

The service has been available since 2004 and has received some very complimentary
reviews from users.

\"As usual, you are absolutely amazing, from every point of view...! I just can\'t
thank you enough, I wanted to bid on and hopefully win the set as a wedding present,
but the intended recipient, a very close friend of mine, is a real Art deco fanatic
and so I didn\'t want to make the mistake of giving
her something that was say, early 1950\'s...Many, many heartfelt thanks again for
your help, in this case direct, and many, many times indirect, through
your fantastic website...\" Ambra
\"Your information was extremely helpful and much appreciated. You have eased my mind
regarding the age and authenticity of this Meissen piece. I was
concerned that it may have been a recent reproduction. I am grateful to have come
across your site as it is certainly an asset for antique lovers like
myself. Thank you again for the insightful information! Best Regards, Martha :)\"
\"I am just writing to thank you for your reply to the inquiries I recently
submitted. I am impressed by the speed with which these inquiries were dealt
with, and the information that was supplied is invaluable. I am only a new member
and am so very impressed with the service, I will be a member for a
long time, and will recommend your service to everyone I meet. Thank you for your
time. Kindest Regards, Frances\"

\"We\'ve spent a great deal of time evaluating customer feedback and using it to
create what we consider to be an invaluable tool for researching vintage
ceramics, silver, antiques and collectibles.\" said Peter Coleman, marketing
specialist for Marks4Antiques.com. \"Our goal is to empower our users with the
knowledge they need to make an informed and accurate evaluation of their antiques
and collectibles.\"

Accredited media interested in discussing this topic in more detail are encouraged
to schedule an interview by sending their request to

About Marks4Antiques.com
Marks4Antiques.com was created to help Collectors and Dealers to research Antiques &
Collectibles. The successful launch of Marks4Ceramics.com in 2004 was quickly
followed by Marks4Silver.com in 2006 and then Values4Antiques.com this year. All
websites were designed for use online in order to accommodate the growing number of
mobile Antiques and Collectibles Dealers that roam the country to different Auctions
or Shows and those that sell or buy online (eBay etc). Subscribing to any of the
websites provides easy and fast pictorial methods of identifying and self-appraising
items. An active member can also contact the experts of each website for personal
assistance when a mark is not already in the database at no additional cost. To
facilitate an unbiased Antiques Research & Evaluation environment, no Trade (buying
or selling) of items is allowed through these sites as they are totally dedicated to
Research. All staff are avid Collectors, Appraisers and professional Dealers. The
company is owned and operated in
the State of California, USA.

Contact Information:
Lisa Marion
Email - Contact@marks4antiques.com

Web Site: http://www.marks4antiques.com

Contact Details: Contact Information:
Lisa Marion
Email - Contact@marks4antiques.com
San Francisco, California

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